Party responsible: Iberdigest S.L
Tax reg. no.: ES B 62277736
Address: Av. D’Àlguema, 8-C – Zona Industrial Camp del Bosc
Phone: 972 55 59 80
E-mail: iberdigest@iberdigest.com
Mercantile Register of Girona, Vol. 1886, Folio 179, Sheet GI 31,230
Activity: Wholesale trade in meat and meat products
Cookies are small files used by websites, on-line stores, intranets, on-line platforms and the like. When the user visits them they are stored on the latter’s computer, providing numerous advantages in the provision of interactive services during browsing.
The following description of the types of cookie will help you to understand their use.
- Session cookies:
These are temporary cookies which remain on the user’s equipment until the browser is closed, none of them being saved on the user’s disc drive. The information obtained via these cookies enables the website to manage transactions with each of the users accessing it at the same time. - Persistent cookies:
These cookies remain on your computer after the browser is closed. The next time you go to the website they will remember information that facilitates browsing (you can go directly to the service without having to log in) or the provision of a commercial service (offering products or services related to previous visits).
The cookies set when you browse a website may be:
- First-party cookies:
These cookies are generated by the website you are visiting. - Third-party cookies:
These are cookies that are set while you are browsing a website but are generated by
a third-party service hosted on the site. One example could be a cookie used by an advertisement or publicity banner on the website you visit. Another example could be - a cookie used by a visitor counter contracted by the website you visit.
Cookies can be used for:
- Technical purposes:
These are purposes considered “strictly necessary”. They allow the user to browse a website, platform or application and use the different options and services it provides. They may control data traffic and communication, provide session identity, allow access to restricted areas, remember the items composing an order, process the purchase of an order, handle a request to register for or participate in an event, use security features during browsing, store video or sound content, or share content through social networks. - Customising pages:
They make it possible for users to configure aspects such as the language in which they want to see the site, viewing formats, etc. - Analysis and performance:
They allow us to measure the number of visits and browsing criteria for different parts
of the website, application or platform, so we can construct browsing profiles for users with a view to making improvements based on an analysis of user activity. - Publicity:
They enable us to implement efficiency parameters for the publicity appearing on websites. - Behavioural advertising:
Efficiency parameters can be implemented for the publicity appearing on websites, based on information regarding the behaviour of users obtained by continuously observing their browsing habits, so that a specific profile can be configured and appropriate publicity shown to the user.
The Iberdigest S.L. website uses cookies so that it functions correctly and can be viewed by users and to gather statistics. The following cookies are used:
- Language (to store the language chosen by the user)
- Acceptance of cookies (to record the fact that the use of cookies has been accepted)
- Session (to save the date on which the website was last accessed)
None of these store any personal details.
Iberdigest S.L. also uses third-party portals and services. If you wish to learn about the conditions they apply to privacy and the use of cookies, see the policies they set out:
Facebook: https://es-es.facebook.com/help/cookies
Twitter: https://twitter.com/privacy
Youtube: https://www.google.es/intl/es/policies/technologies/cookies/
Linkedin: http://www.linkedin.com/legal/privacy-policy
Google+: https://www.google.es/intl/es/policies/technologies/cookies/
Instagram: https://www.facebook.com/policies/cookies/
Iberdigest S.L. displays information on its policy regarding cookies at the bottom of the home page on the website at the beginning of each session, so that you are aware of this policy.
You then have the following options:
- Accept cookies: You will not see this information again when accessing any page on the portal during this session.
- Change settings: You can change your browser settings to block or restrict cookies at any time. We give information on how to do this below. Please note that if you block or restrict cookies this may be detrimental to the functionality of the website.
- Continue browsing or scroll the page: In this case you will again be asked for your consent.
You can restrict, block or delete Iberdigest S.L. cookies and those of any other website using your browser. The process is different for each browser. Use the “Help” function to guide you.
Internet Explorer: https://support.microsoft.com/es-es/help/17442/windows-internet-explorer-delete-manage-cookies#ie=
FireFox: https://support.mozilla.org/es/kb/Borrar%20cookies
Chrome: https://support.google.com/chrome/answer/95647?hl=”es”
Safari: https://www.apple.com/legal/privacy/es/cookies/
You can also manage the cookies stored in your browser by using tools such as the following:
Ghostery: https://www.ghostery.com/
Your online choices: http://www.youronlinechoices.com/es/